Welcome to the newest edition to the ever popular "Science Place" class help series. With a record 3,ooo page views at the launch site (past pages on this web) I decided that it was appropriate to make a "Brother Site" in honor of the event. This site is everything and more from the previous site and should be more open to all aspects of it's visitor's questions since the recent lax of My schedule. As webmaster to this site all questions can be directly mailed to me via the mail link at the bottom of the page. Please allow 1-2 days for a reply. If you are curious of other's questions or would like to have your questions be made public go to the Science Forum   

    This page will be undergoing many changes over the summer. It will be changed from 7th grade Biology to 8th Grade Physical science. As a result of this change all 7th grade material will be moved to another location. Thank you. 

            Site renovations begin- June 26, 2001

            Site Re-opens with 8th grade physical Science- September 2001