Print Off- Practice Test: Muscular System

Labeling Muscles:

A. _____________________________

B. _____________________________

C. _____________________________

D. _____________________________

E. _____________________________

F. _____________________________

G. _____________________________

H. _____________________________

I. ______________________________

J. ______________________________

K. _____________________________

Multiple Choice:

1. Which is true about skeletal muscle?

   a. It is always has many nuclei and is striated      b. It makes up 40% of women's weight

   c. it is involuntary                                               d. it is only found in the heart

2. Smooth muscle is...

   a. found everywhere in our body                         b. responsible for our internal systems

   c. voluntary and only works when we want it to     d. not striated at all

3. Cardiac muscle...

   a. is lightly striated                                              b. runs only in the daytime

   c. is very weak                                                   d. is found only in the heart

4. Muscles work by...

   a. pushing the bones                                          b. sending electrical impulses to the bones

   b. relaxing and contracting as a parts of a pair      d. asking the bones politely to move

5. Muscle commonly found in your digestive track is called...

   a. digestive muscle                                            b. flat muscle

   c. food muscle                                                   d. curved muscle

6. Tendons...

   a. connect muscle to bone                                  b. connect two bones at the joint

   c. connect two muscles                                       d. connect skin to muscle

7. A muscle can shorten by up to...

   a. 1/4                                                                  b. 2/5

   c. 1/3                                                                  d. 3/1

8. Lasting energy comes from...

   a. sugar                                                               b. water

   b. oxygen                                                            d. carbohydrates

9. Exercise increases...

   a. the number of muscle cells                                b. the mass of muscle cells

   c. lactic acid quantities                                           d. the amount of blood in the body

10. Red muscle does what?

   a. last for long periods of time                                b. is stronger than everything else

   c. controls all the muscles                                      d. is found in only in the head

Short Answer

1. Why are there no bones to protect the abdomen?



2. What is "Atrophy" and why does it happen?



3. How does a muscle contract?



4. What is good muscle tone?



5. What is your central nervous system and what does it do?



6. Where can epithelial tissue be found?



7. What are the three functions of connective tissue? What are samples of connective tissue?



8. What is a node?



9. Where can smooth muscle be found?



10. What do steroids do and why are they dangerous?


